Well, hello everyone!
It's been quite a while since I blogged, but if you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter then you know this is due to my engaging in another of my very silly projects.
In 2014 I set off, once again, to write 365 stories. But, this time, the plan was to produce them as 12 books of linked stories, and to self-publish them all. This much, I did, and then since the last full stop was typed (9.45pm, 31st December 2014, if you want to know) I have been teaching - a lot! - and also turning those 12 books into one massive volume. It is now out, and it is:
The 2014 Flash365 Anthology!
I have made arguments for the necessity of this book's existence - a concrete sign of my output and the project's actuality, a way for people to buy the whole collection for a much cheaper price (£24.99 in paperback, or £8.99 on Kindle, rather than £59.88/£23.88 individually), and even something about there being a market for it, or an academic need, or something - but basically I just wanted a book with a large enough spine on it that I could see my name from across the room!
Anyway, it is now available in a foot-threateningly big paperback (really, careful you don't drop it - it's heavy!) and in a much lighter, but no-less-stonking Kindle version. And, to celebrate, I'm going to give it away!
So, if you would like the chance to win a FREE copy of the mammoth paperback (really, it's like eleven inches tall, seven inches wide and over seven hundred pages thick - it's HUGE!) or be one of the FIVE runners-up to get a free copy of the eBook, then all you have to do is sign up for my new Newsletter using the form below.
Newletter? You say. You never mentioned a Newsletter.
Well, actually, I just did.
But, yes, there's always a catch isn't there? I promise, though, that I don't send out Newsletters very often, and when I do it will only be useful book/writing-related information. Scout's honour! (Although, in fairness, I was never a Scout, nor a Cub, nor a Brownie, but you know what I mean.)
So, please sign up below, and you could be the proud owner of this wrist-breakingly large book!
Names will be drawn on 1st June, so you have until my birthday (seems only right) which is the day before, to sign up.
(Note: If you are already a member of the mailing list, then you will automatically be entered into the draw.)
Thanks for reading, thanks for (maybe) entering, and please, please spread the word!
Subscribe to the Newsletter mailing list
Always a sucker for a chance to get anything free... Congratulation on yet another marathon success.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Geoff!
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
You've been quiet....now I know why.
ReplyDeleteIt must be quite something to look over at tht behemoth and realise "Bloody hell!! I WROTE that!!"
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda scary, actually.
ReplyDeleteGood scary though.